Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Green Thumb

I just had to show my latest water lily blooming....these guys are just beautiful!

I now have baby frogs hopping around on the lily pads. At this age they are soooo cute! I went outside as dusk and a BIG frog (perhaps the Mom ma) jumped out and scared me half to death...of course typical female, I let out a scream! Then I thought to myself... just a frog, not sure what I thought it might be. Just got startled I suppose.

The backside of my little fish pond. This is the first time these flowers have bloomed. It has been so long I forgot the name of them. Perhaps someone will let me know.

The banana trees are coming along nicely this year.....

Little more of my flower bed. My giant elephant ears are really doing well this year. I brought these from my home I moved from. We lived there for 18 years and wanted something to remember my pretty yard I left behind. These bagonia's are returning from last year. I did not replant...looks like we are turning into the tropic's, with the mild winters we have been having.

Looks like someone else is enjoying the backyard!!


misterreereeder said...

Nice pictures. It is nice to be able to enjoy the beautiful things.

JenningsJunk said...

No wonder you enjoy your backyard so much. Love the pics and the peacefullness :-)

Meadowview Thymes said...

LOVE your lilies! I am so envious! Everything in your backyard looks so good--despite this heat! Keep those pictures coming!!

The Diva said...

So glad you found me and my blog. Love your water lilies. I don't have a small pond here.~~Dee