I see that spring is here.... The redbuds are in full bloom!! Thank goodness otherwise it would have been almost colorless out here. I will tell you by the time we left after a weeks stay alot of leaves had bloomed out and everything was turning green.

Everyone is out getting plenty of sun!!! All of these girls got a sunburn!! It was sooo warm, I think it got to 85 on this day.

My kids came!!! yea! what a great surprise!!! they set up their tent on our site... Stephen showed up later this day and stayed one night...he slept in the trailer...of course.
Chris dangerous with an axe!

Inside my trailer...at least one side.
Murphy the best dog ever!!!

My boys skippin rocks...then of course it has to turn into a compition...lol

My boys skippin rocks...then of course it has to turn into a compition...lol