Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's Warming up slowly...

The pond is already producing lilies...You can see it very well, but there are many honey bee's swarming the green moss here...interesting.
Below is my shelby getting a long needed drink of water.

QP's Iris's blooming nicely. I didn't think they were going to bloom this year.

How about this beautiful sky.... I saw this after I had finished the work in the yard...what a pleasant surprise.

My passion vine is already producing blooms!!
Below are the Lemon zest petunia's I found. The outside edge really isn't white, its a really light color of yellow...

Monday, April 6, 2009

A present for me???


My dad went to the plant nursery in Mc Kinney and bought me 2 rose of sharon trees. One is read and one is white. These are nice size so maybe I will not need to wait too long for blooms.

But that wasn't the big surprise... I have been wanting these metal chairs for my backyard to sit by my wild flower garden and watch my fish. Once dad sat the plants down he went back to his truck.... I asked mom if they wanted to come in and she said dad was not done yet and told me to go to the truck.... low and behold MY VERY OWN METAL LAWN CHAIRS!!! these are actually pretty old, so they are antique also! I am sooo excited to have these!

So I definitely had to blog today to share the pic's of my two wonderful lawn chairs! He said that they had other colors but these were in the best shape....but that I could make them any color I want. How wonderful is this!

These are going to be a great addition to my back yard! I can already visualize my flowers coming up and listen to the water in the fish pond......come on warm weather!

I have also put a couple of pic's of the pond so that you can see my desperate attempt to keep out the blue herron cranes. My biggest gold fish has quite a bite on his side so I added more line hoping to keep the huge bird out.

I have thinned out the plants and as you can see they are beginning to grow. Please grow plants my fish need a place to hide!!!